
Please use the API key for authentication. If you do not have one, then log in as an admin and navigate to account settings to create one. You need to add this API key as a header to each call/request. If it is missing, you will get an error message.

Remember that this key is an identifier of your account, so please keep it safe and do not share it with anyone except your organization.

Use the below header for all requests

Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}


How to create a signature request?

To request signatures:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click Create button.
  1.  Click Choose File to upload a new document
  2. Click Add another recipient to add a new recipient
  3. Add title
  4. Add email message(optional)
  1.  Drag and Drop the fields
  2. Click Send 

How to edit a signature request?

To edit signature request:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the All Envelopes link under Envelopes.
  3. Click Options
  4. Click Edit & Resend
  1. Click Next.
  1. Drag and drop new fields or edit existing ones.
  2. Click Send

How to delete a signature request?

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the All Envelopes link under Envelopes.
  3. Click Options
  4. Click Cancel
  1. Click Yes,Cancel

How to copy/duplicate an existing envelope?

  1. Click on any option under Envelope from the left bar. 

3: Click on options next to envelope 

4: Click copy 

5: Click continue

Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated

6: Modify the details if you want and click ‘Next’

Graphical user interface, application, email

Description automatically generated

7: Edit the fields if required

8: Click Send 

How to Sign a Document?

If you are the only signer, then follow the below steps. 

Create an envelope.

Upload the files.

Mark the check box (I am the only signer)

If you want to sign the document and send it to someone else too. Then please follow the below steps.

Please make sure that ‘I am the only signer’ is unchecked. 

Add the signers’ details but do not add yours. 

How can I Assign Signers to the Envelope?

  1. Click Create button.
  1. Upload files/documents
  2. Add signers.
Graphical user interface, application, email

Description automatically generated

How do I download my completed document from my account?

Click on any option under envelopes from leftbar.

Click on Options next to the envelope.

Click on Download

Mark the checkbox and click on Download button.

Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated

How can I check envelope status?

Click on any option under envelope.

 Status is given next to each envelope.

Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated

How to check who has signed the envelope?

Click on any option under envelopes from left bar.

Click on Options next to the envelope.

Click on Audit Trail

Scroll down and see the status of each recipient under Recipient section

How to check a document activity report?

Click on any option under envelopes from leftbar.

Click on Options next to the envelope.

Click on Audit Trail

Scroll down to Activities section

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

How to resend a document to signers?

Mark the checkbox and hit send 

How to perform an In-person signing?

1: Edit or create new envelope.

2: Click on ‘Needs to sign’ button and select ‘in person signer’.

3: add the signer and select signature mode 

4: place fields for each signer

5: continue to sign the document

How to request signatures using a template?

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Options
  4. Click Create Envelope
  1. Add the recipient’s detail
  2. Click Next
  3. Click Send

How to send "Bulk Send"?

To bulk send:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the Bulk Send Option under Signing from the leftbar
  1. Choose the link
  2. Upload a CSV file of the recipients (Note: Signer Names should be in the 1st Column and Signer Email should be in the 2nd Column)
  3. You can also view the recipients by clicking on ‘View Recipients’.
  4. Add title
  5. Add email message(optional)
  6. Click Send

How to track Bulk Send progress?

To track bulk send progress:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the Bulk Send Option under the Envelopes from the leftbar
  1. Click on Options
  2. Click on ‘View Progress’

How to download Bulk Send completed documents?

To download Bulk Send completed documents:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the Bulk Send Option under the Envelopes from the leftbar

3. Click on Options next to the envelope

4. Click on Download

How to send reminders for Bulk Send?

To send reminders for Bulk Send:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the Bulk Send Option under the Envelopes from the leftbar

3. Click on Options next to the envelope

4. Click on ‘View Progress’ from the drop-down menu

5. Click on the ‘Send Reminder’ button

How to share an Envelope with Team Members?

To share an envelope with team members:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click on ‘All Envelopes’ under the Envelope from the left sidebar.
  3. Click on the ‘Create Folder’ button from the drop down menu.

4. Give a name to the folder and then click on the ‘Create’ button.

5. Click on ‘Options’.

6. Select ‘Share with team’ from the drop down menu.

7. Select the team member(s).

8. Click on ‘Update’ button.

9. Go to the Envelope and click ‘Options’.

10. Click on ‘Move to the Folder’ from the drop down menu.

11. Select the folder and click on ‘Move’ button.

How to Share a Completed Envelope with New Viewers?

Go to the envelopes from the leftbar.

Click on Options next to the completed envelope.

Click on “Share Files”.

Enter the recipient’s email and click the “Share Envelope Files” button.

How to do an in person signing?

1: Go to the envelopes from the left sidebar.

2: Click on ‘Options’ next to the envelope, then select ‘Audit Trail’ from the drop-down menu.

3: In the Audit Trail, navigate to the recipients section and click on the “Sign Now” button.

4: Now the signer page will open.

5: Continue to sign the document.

How to make the Date Field Dynamic?

  1. Go to the templates and create or edit a template.
  2. In the editor page, drag and drop the Date field, then click on ‘Advanced Settings’ from the right sidebar.

3. Now enable the “Update value upon envelope creation”.

4. Click on “Save” button to save the changes.

Note: If you have added a date for “Me(Now)” role, it will remain as it was; otherwise, it will be updated if you enable the 'Update Value Upon Envelope Creation' option. And if the date is for the signer, such as the signed date, it will be updated automatically when the signer signs the document.

How to make Fields Required?

  1. In the editor, Drag and drop the required field.
  2. Click on the “Required” from the right sidebar.

3. Now enable the Required Field.

Note: Keep in mind that Signature fields are required by default, and fields such as Name, Signed Date, and Email will auto-populate. Therefore, there's no need to mark these fields as required.


How to create a template?

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Create Template button.
  1. Click Choose File to upload a new file
  2. Add a role for the recipient
  3. Add title
  4. Click Next
  1. Drag and drop fields
  2. Click Save

How to edit a template?

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Options
  4. Select Edit

5. Edit the template

6. Click Save

How to request signatures using a template?

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Options
  4. Click Create Envelope
  1. Add the recipient’s detail
  2. Click Next
  3. Click Send

What is a template?

A template refers to a predefined document or form that is designed to be filled out and signed electronically. It serves as a framework or blueprint for creating consistent and standardized documents that require signatures. Templates are commonly used in various industries for documents such as contracts, agreements, and consent forms.

By using templates, businesses can save time and effort by eliminating the need to recreate documents from scratch for each instance. Templates can be easily customized, updated, and reused for multiple transactions or agreements. This streamlined approach helps maintain consistency, improves efficiency, and ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

How to access all templates?

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
  3. Access all your created templates here.

How to share a template with team members?

To share an envelope with team members:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the ‘Templates’ from the left sidebar.
  3. Click on the ‘Create Folder’ button.

4. Give a name to the folder and then click on the ‘Create’ button.

5. Click on ‘Options’

6. Select ‘Share with team’ from drop down menu.

7. Select the team member(s).

8. Click on ‘Update’

9. Go to the Template and click ‘Options’

10. Click on ‘Move to Folder’ from the drop down menu.

11. Select the folder and click on ‘Move’.

Note: The admin and the owner of this folder will always have access to this folder. Additionally, you can grant access to other team members for this folder.

How to delete a template?

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the All Envelopes link under Envelopes.
  3. Click Options
  4. Click Delete

How to create a signature request?

To request signatures:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click Create button.
  1.  Click Choose File to upload a new document
  2. Click Add another recipient to add a new recipient
  3. Add title
  4. Add email message(optional)
  1.  Drag and Drop the fields
  2. Click Send 

How to create an API key

Please follow the below steps to create an API Key

1: Sign in to BunnyDoc as an admin or primary account holder

2: Click on “Settings”

3: Navigate to the “API” tab

4: Click on button labeled “Create API Key”

5: Enter name for API key whatever you prefer

6: Copy and save the API Key in a safe place as it will not appear again

How to create a template?

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Create Template button.
  1. Click Choose File to upload a new file
  2. Add a role for the recipient
  3. Add title
  4. Click Next
  1. Drag and drop fields
  2. Click Save

How to add team members?

1. Sign in to

2. Click the Team in the left sidebar.

3. Click Add Team button.

    4. Add Details

    5. Select Role for the member

    6. Click Save

    How to update profile?

    1. Sign in to
    2. Select the Profile Icon
    3. Click Profile 

    4. Update the information

    5. Click Save

    Get All Team Members


    If the API key is correct and the request is successful, it will return a response containing an array with all team members’ information. Each element in the array will represent a team member and would include details such as their name, email, role, and any other relevant information associated with team members in the system.


    Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}

             "email":"[email protected]",
             "email":"[email protected]",

    What is branding?

    Branding in BunnyDoc allows you to personalize the platform’s appearance with your company name, tagline, email signature, redirect link, and logo. This customization creates a professional and unique look for your e-signature processes, enhancing brand recognition, professionalism, and customer engagement.

    To utilize branding in BunnyDoc, simply access the platform’s settings and customize your company details and upload your logo. By doing so, you can create a seamless and branded e-signature experience for your clients and partners. Experience the power of branding with BunnyDoc and elevate your e-signature processes with your unique brand identity.

    API Documentation


    Please use the API key for authentication. If you do not have one, then log in as an admin and navigate to account settings to create one. You need to add this API key as a header to each call/request. If it is missing, you will get an error message.

    Remember that this key is an identifier of your account, so please keep it safe and do not share it with anyone except your organization.

    Use the below header for all requests

    Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}

    Create signature request

    This endpoint allows you to create signature request(s) from your saved templates



    Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}

    Fields (optional)

    apiLabel: Please input the api label you assigned to your field in the editor section.

    The `signatureRequestLink` will only contain a URL if “SHOW ME LINKS” are enabled in your account settings.

    Request Payload (Sample)

        "templateId" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "title" : "Example title here",
        "emailMessage" : "Example email message here",
        "signingOrder" : false,
         "recipients" : [
                "role" : "role1",
                "name" : "Signer1",
                "email" : "[email protected]", 
                "accessCode" : ""
                "role" : "role2",
                "name" : "Signer2",
                "email" : "[email protected]", 
                "accessCode" : ""
        "fields" : [
                "apiLabel": "textFieldPatientHistory",
                "value": "My test value",
                "readOnly" : 1 
                "apiLabel": "sampleCheckBoxFieldLabel",
                "value": true,
                "readOnly" : 1 


        "error": 0,
        "message": "Envelope has been sent to recipients.",
        "envelopeId" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "recipients": [
                "name": "Signer1",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "signatureRequestLink": "Signing URL"
                "name": "Signer12",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "signatureRequestLink": "Signing URL"



    This endpoint allows you to subscribe to webhook events.


    BunnyDoc will initiate a POST request to the hookUrl you provide, anticipating the ‘BUNNYDOC API EVENT RECEIVED‘ string in response for verification purposes. Failure to receive this response will result in verification failure, and the webhook URL will not be registered to send event updates.


    Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}

    Request Payload (Sample)

      "hookUrl": "",
      "webhookEvents": [

    Response (if webhook url verified)

      "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
      "error": 0,

    Response (If webhook url is not verified)

        "error": 1,
        "message": "Failed. BUNNYDOC API EVENT RECEIVED was NOT found in the response."


    This endpoints allows you to unsubscribe from webhook events.



    Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}


      "error": 0,
      "identifier" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"


    Get All Team Members


    If the API key is correct and the request is successful, it will return a response containing an array with all team members’ information. Each element in the array will represent a team member and would include details such as their name, email, role, and any other relevant information associated with team members in the system.


    Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}

             "email":"[email protected]",
             "email":"[email protected]",

    Add Team Member


    If the API key is correct and the request is successful, it will return a response containing an array with all team members’ information. Each element in the array will represent a team member and would include details such as their name, email, role, and any other relevant information associated with team members in the system.


    Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}

    Body Parameters

    All params with * are required attributes

    firstName*Team member’s first name
    surnameTeam member’s surname
    email*Team member’s email
    role*Team member’s role
    (admin | team-member)
    statusTeam member’s status
    (active | pending)
    idTeam member’s Id

    Request Payload

        "firstName" : "Joe",
        "surname" : "Test",
        "email" : "[email protected]",
        "role"  : "team-member"


        "error": 0,
        "message": "We have sent an activation link to [email protected]. Please advise the team member to check the email for email verification. ",
        "firstName": "Joe",
        "surname": "Test",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "role": "team-member",
        "status": "pending",
        "id": "sfdgsuf837r5345"

    Create signature request

    This endpoint allows you to create signature request(s) from your saved templates



    Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}

    Fields (optional)

    apiLabel: Please input the api label you assigned to your field in the editor section.

    The `signatureRequestLink` will only contain a URL if “SHOW ME LINKS” are enabled in your account settings.

    Request Payload (Sample)

        "templateId" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "title" : "Example title here",
        "emailMessage" : "Example email message here",
        "signingOrder" : false,
         "recipients" : [
                "role" : "role1",
                "name" : "Signer1",
                "email" : "[email protected]", 
                "accessCode" : ""
                "role" : "role2",
                "name" : "Signer2",
                "email" : "[email protected]", 
                "accessCode" : ""
        "fields" : [
                "apiLabel": "textFieldPatientHistory",
                "value": "My test value",
                "readOnly" : 1 
                "apiLabel": "sampleCheckBoxFieldLabel",
                "value": true,
                "readOnly" : 1 


        "error": 0,
        "message": "Envelope has been sent to recipients.",
        "envelopeId" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "recipients": [
                "name": "Signer1",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "signatureRequestLink": "Signing URL"
                "name": "Signer12",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "signatureRequestLink": "Signing URL"

    User Manual


    How to create a signature request?

    To request signatures:

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click Create button.
    1.  Click Choose File to upload a new document
    2. Click Add another recipient to add a new recipient
    3. Add title
    4. Add email message(optional)
    1.  Drag and Drop the fields
    2. Click Send 

    How to edit a signature request?

    To edit signature request:

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click the All Envelopes link under Envelopes.
    3. Click Options
    4. Click Edit & Resend
    1. Click Next.
    1. Drag and drop new fields or edit existing ones.
    2. Click Send

    How to delete a signature request?

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click the All Envelopes link under Envelopes.
    3. Click Options
    4. Click Cancel
    1. Click Yes,Cancel

    How to copy/duplicate an existing envelope?

    1. Click on any option under Envelope from the left bar. 

    3: Click on options next to envelope 

    4: Click copy 

    5: Click continue

    Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated

    6: Modify the details if you want and click ‘Next’

    Graphical user interface, application, email

Description automatically generated

    7: Edit the fields if required

    8: Click Send 

    How to Sign a Document?

    If you are the only signer, then follow the below steps. 

    Create an envelope.

    Upload the files.

    Mark the check box (I am the only signer)

    If you want to sign the document and send it to someone else too. Then please follow the below steps.

    Please make sure that ‘I am the only signer’ is unchecked. 

    Add the signers’ details but do not add yours. 

    How can I Assign Signers to the Envelope?

    1. Click Create button.
    1. Upload files/documents
    2. Add signers.
    Graphical user interface, application, email

Description automatically generated

    How do I download my completed document from my account?

    Click on any option under envelopes from leftbar.

    Click on Options next to the envelope.

    Click on Download

    Mark the checkbox and click on Download button.

    Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated

    How can I check envelope status?

    Click on any option under envelope.

     Status is given next to each envelope.

    Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated

    How to check who has signed the envelope?

    Click on any option under envelopes from left bar.

    Click on Options next to the envelope.

    Click on Audit Trail

    Scroll down and see the status of each recipient under Recipient section

    How to check a document activity report?

    Click on any option under envelopes from leftbar.

    Click on Options next to the envelope.

    Click on Audit Trail

    Scroll down to Activities section

    Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

    How to resend a document to signers?

    Mark the checkbox and hit send 

    How to perform an In-person signing?

    1: Edit or create new envelope.

    2: Click on ‘Needs to sign’ button and select ‘in person signer’.

    3: add the signer and select signature mode 

    4: place fields for each signer

    5: continue to sign the document

    How to request signatures using a template?

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
    3. Click Options
    4. Click Create Envelope
    1. Add the recipient’s detail
    2. Click Next
    3. Click Send

    How to send "Bulk Send"?

    To bulk send:

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click the Bulk Send Option under Signing from the leftbar
    1. Choose the link
    2. Upload a CSV file of the recipients (Note: Signer Names should be in the 1st Column and Signer Email should be in the 2nd Column)
    3. You can also view the recipients by clicking on ‘View Recipients’.
    4. Add title
    5. Add email message(optional)
    6. Click Send

    How to track Bulk Send progress?

    To track bulk send progress:

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click the Bulk Send Option under the Envelopes from the leftbar
    1. Click on Options
    2. Click on ‘View Progress’

    How to download Bulk Send completed documents?

    To download Bulk Send completed documents:

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click the Bulk Send Option under the Envelopes from the leftbar

    3. Click on Options next to the envelope

    4. Click on Download

    How to send reminders for Bulk Send?

    To send reminders for Bulk Send:

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click the Bulk Send Option under the Envelopes from the leftbar

    3. Click on Options next to the envelope

    4. Click on ‘View Progress’ from the drop-down menu

    5. Click on the ‘Send Reminder’ button

    How to share an Envelope with Team Members?

    To share an envelope with team members:

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click on ‘All Envelopes’ under the Envelope from the left sidebar.
    3. Click on the ‘Create Folder’ button from the drop down menu.

    4. Give a name to the folder and then click on the ‘Create’ button.

    5. Click on ‘Options’.

    6. Select ‘Share with team’ from the drop down menu.

    7. Select the team member(s).

    8. Click on ‘Update’ button.

    9. Go to the Envelope and click ‘Options’.

    10. Click on ‘Move to the Folder’ from the drop down menu.

    11. Select the folder and click on ‘Move’ button.

    How to Share a Completed Envelope with New Viewers?

    Go to the envelopes from the leftbar.

    Click on Options next to the completed envelope.

    Click on “Share Files”.

    Enter the recipient’s email and click the “Share Envelope Files” button.

    How to do an in person signing?

    1: Go to the envelopes from the left sidebar.

    2: Click on ‘Options’ next to the envelope, then select ‘Audit Trail’ from the drop-down menu.

    3: In the Audit Trail, navigate to the recipients section and click on the “Sign Now” button.

    4: Now the signer page will open.

    5: Continue to sign the document.

    How to make the Date Field Dynamic?

    1. Go to the templates and create or edit a template.
    2. In the editor page, drag and drop the Date field, then click on ‘Advanced Settings’ from the right sidebar.

    3. Now enable the “Update value upon envelope creation”.

    4. Click on “Save” button to save the changes.

    Note: If you have added a date for “Me(Now)” role, it will remain as it was; otherwise, it will be updated if you enable the 'Update Value Upon Envelope Creation' option. And if the date is for the signer, such as the signed date, it will be updated automatically when the signer signs the document.

    How to make Fields Required?

    1. In the editor, Drag and drop the required field.
    2. Click on the “Required” from the right sidebar.

    3. Now enable the Required Field.

    Note: Keep in mind that Signature fields are required by default, and fields such as Name, Signed Date, and Email will auto-populate. Therefore, there's no need to mark these fields as required.


    How to create a template?

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
    3. Click Create Template button.
    1. Click Choose File to upload a new file
    2. Add a role for the recipient
    3. Add title
    4. Click Next
    1. Drag and drop fields
    2. Click Save

    How to edit a template?

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
    3. Click Options
    4. Select Edit

    5. Edit the template

    6. Click Save

    How to request signatures using a template?

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
    3. Click Options
    4. Click Create Envelope
    1. Add the recipient’s detail
    2. Click Next
    3. Click Send

    What is a template?

    A template refers to a predefined document or form that is designed to be filled out and signed electronically. It serves as a framework or blueprint for creating consistent and standardized documents that require signatures. Templates are commonly used in various industries for documents such as contracts, agreements, and consent forms.

    By using templates, businesses can save time and effort by eliminating the need to recreate documents from scratch for each instance. Templates can be easily customized, updated, and reused for multiple transactions or agreements. This streamlined approach helps maintain consistency, improves efficiency, and ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

    How to access all templates?

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
    3. Access all your created templates here.

    How to share a template with team members?

    To share an envelope with team members:

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click the ‘Templates’ from the left sidebar.
    3. Click on the ‘Create Folder’ button.

    4. Give a name to the folder and then click on the ‘Create’ button.

    5. Click on ‘Options’

    6. Select ‘Share with team’ from drop down menu.

    7. Select the team member(s).

    8. Click on ‘Update’

    9. Go to the Template and click ‘Options’

    10. Click on ‘Move to Folder’ from the drop down menu.

    11. Select the folder and click on ‘Move’.

    Note: The admin and the owner of this folder will always have access to this folder. Additionally, you can grant access to other team members for this folder.

    How to delete a template?

    1. Sign in to
    2. Click the All Envelopes link under Envelopes.
    3. Click Options
    4. Click Delete


    How to add team members?

    1. Sign in to

    2. Click the Team in the left sidebar.

    3. Click Add Team button.

      4. Add Details

      5. Select Role for the member

      6. Click Save

      How to change team member roles?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Click the Team in the left sidebar
      3. Click Options
      4. Select Edit

      5. Select Role for the member

      6. Click Save

      What is a team and how it works?

      In BunnyDoc, a team is a collaborative group working together towards a common goal. Teams in BunnyDoc enable seamless collaboration, document sharing, workflow management, enhanced communication, and streamlined administration.

      With teams, you can invite members, assign roles, and collaborate on documents in real time. You can easily share documents within the team, define workflows, communicate within the platform, and efficiently manage team activities.

      Experience the power of teams in BunnyDoc to revolutionize your document collaboration and signing processes today.

      How to edit a team member?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Click the Team in the left sidebar
      3. Click Options
      4. Select Edit

      5. Update the information

      6. Click Save

      How to delete a team member?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Click the Team in the left sidebar
      3. Click Options
      4. Select Delete

      5. Click Delete to confirm


      How to update profile?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Select the Profile Icon
      3. Click Profile 

      4. Update the information

      5. Click Save

      How to update time zone?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Select the Profile Icon
      3. Click Profile 

      4. Update the information

      5. Click Save

      How do I manage my email notifications?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
      3. Click Profile 
      4. Scroll down to the Notifications section
      5. Check/uncheck the checkboxes
      6. Click Save

      How to set up two-step verification?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
      3. Click Profile
      4. Scroll down to the Two-factor Authentication section
      5. Click Enable
      6. Open the Google Authenticator app on your mobile
      7. Scan the QR code
      8. Enter 6 digit Authentication code from the Google Authenticator app in the popup 
      9. Click Confirm

      How to Change the Password?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Select the Profile Icon
      3. Click Profile 

      4. Enter your current password and new password

      5. Click Save

      How to Update Company Name and Username?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Select the Profile Icon
      3. Click Profile

      4. Update the information

      5. Click Save

      How Do I Change the Date and Time Format?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Select the Profile Icon
      3. Click Profile 

      4. Update the Date Format and Time Format settings

      5. Click Save


      How to create an API key

      Please follow the below steps to create an API Key

      1: Sign in to BunnyDoc as an admin or primary account holder

      2: Click on “Settings”

      3: Navigate to the “API” tab

      4: Click on button labeled “Create API Key”

      5: Enter name for API key whatever you prefer

      6: Copy and save the API Key in a safe place as it will not appear again

      How to delete an API key

      1: Click on the “Options” next to the API key.
      2: Select the “Delete” option.

      3: After selecting the “Delete” option, click on “Continue” to proceed with deleting the key.


      What is branding?

      Branding in BunnyDoc allows you to personalize the platform’s appearance with your company name, tagline, email signature, redirect link, and logo. This customization creates a professional and unique look for your e-signature processes, enhancing brand recognition, professionalism, and customer engagement.

      To utilize branding in BunnyDoc, simply access the platform’s settings and customize your company details and upload your logo. By doing so, you can create a seamless and branded e-signature experience for your clients and partners. Experience the power of branding with BunnyDoc and elevate your e-signature processes with your unique brand identity.

      How to setup branding?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
      3. Enter your brand details in the corresponding fields.
      4. Click Save.

      How branding works?

      Branding works by personalizing the appearance of BunnyDoc, our e-signature solution, with your company name, tagline, email signature, redirect link, and logo. This customization creates a distinct and professional look for your e-signature processes, reinforcing brand recognition, professionalism, and customer engagement.

      Simply access BunnyDoc’s settings to customize your company details and upload your logo. By doing so, you can seamlessly integrate your brand identity into the e-signature experience, ensuring a consistent and memorable impression on clients and partners.

      Discover the power of branding with BunnyDoc and elevate your e-signature processes with a personalized touch that sets your brand apart.

      How can I edit brand settings?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
      3. Update the information.
      4. Click Save.

      How to edit a signature request?

      To edit signature request:

      1. Sign in to
      2. Click the All Envelopes link under Envelopes.
      3. Click Options
      4. Click Edit & Resend
      1. Click Next.
      1. Drag and drop new fields or edit existing ones.
      2. Click Send

      How to delete an API key

      1: Click on the “Options” next to the API key.
      2: Select the “Delete” option.

      3: After selecting the “Delete” option, click on “Continue” to proceed with deleting the key.

      How to edit a template?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
      3. Click Options
      4. Select Edit

      5. Edit the template

      6. Click Save

      How to update time zone?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Select the Profile Icon
      3. Click Profile 

      4. Update the information

      5. Click Save

      Add Team Member


      If the API key is correct and the request is successful, it will return a response containing an array with all team members’ information. Each element in the array will represent a team member and would include details such as their name, email, role, and any other relevant information associated with team members in the system.


      Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}

      Body Parameters

      All params with * are required attributes

      firstName*Team member’s first name
      surnameTeam member’s surname
      email*Team member’s email
      role*Team member’s role
      (admin | team-member)
      statusTeam member’s status
      (active | pending)
      idTeam member’s Id

      Request Payload

          "firstName" : "Joe",
          "surname" : "Test",
          "email" : "[email protected]",
          "role"  : "team-member"


          "error": 0,
          "message": "We have sent an activation link to [email protected]. Please advise the team member to check the email for email verification. ",
          "firstName": "Joe",
          "surname": "Test",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "role": "team-member",
          "status": "pending",
          "id": "sfdgsuf837r5345"

      How to setup branding?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
      3. Enter your brand details in the corresponding fields.
      4. Click Save.



      This endpoint allows you to subscribe to webhook events.


      BunnyDoc will initiate a POST request to the hookUrl you provide, anticipating the ‘BUNNYDOC API EVENT RECEIVED‘ string in response for verification purposes. Failure to receive this response will result in verification failure, and the webhook URL will not be registered to send event updates.


      Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}

      Request Payload (Sample)

        "hookUrl": "",
        "webhookEvents": [

      Response (if webhook url verified)

        "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
        "error": 0,

      Response (If webhook url is not verified)

          "error": 1,
          "message": "Failed. BUNNYDOC API EVENT RECEIVED was NOT found in the response."


      This endpoints allows you to unsubscribe from webhook events.



      Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}


        "error": 0,
        "identifier" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

      How to delete a signature request?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Click the All Envelopes link under Envelopes.
      3. Click Options
      4. Click Cancel
      1. Click Yes,Cancel

      How to change team member roles?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Click the Team in the left sidebar
      3. Click Options
      4. Select Edit

      5. Select Role for the member

      6. Click Save

      How do I manage my email notifications?

      1. Sign in to
      2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
      3. Click Profile 
      4. Scroll down to the Notifications section
      5. Check/uncheck the checkboxes
      6. Click Save

      How branding works?

      Branding works by personalizing the appearance of BunnyDoc, our e-signature solution, with your company name, tagline, email signature, redirect link, and logo. This customization creates a distinct and professional look for your e-signature processes, reinforcing brand recognition, professionalism, and customer engagement.

      Simply access BunnyDoc’s settings to customize your company details and upload your logo. By doing so, you can seamlessly integrate your brand identity into the e-signature experience, ensuring a consistent and memorable impression on clients and partners.

      Discover the power of branding with BunnyDoc and elevate your e-signature processes with a personalized touch that sets your brand apart.


      How to add team members?

      1. Sign in to

      2. Click the Team in the left sidebar.

      3. Click Add Team button.

        4. Add Details

        5. Select Role for the member

        6. Click Save

        How to change team member roles?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the Team in the left sidebar
        3. Click Options
        4. Select Edit

        5. Select Role for the member

        6. Click Save

        What is a team and how it works?

        In BunnyDoc, a team is a collaborative group working together towards a common goal. Teams in BunnyDoc enable seamless collaboration, document sharing, workflow management, enhanced communication, and streamlined administration.

        With teams, you can invite members, assign roles, and collaborate on documents in real time. You can easily share documents within the team, define workflows, communicate within the platform, and efficiently manage team activities.

        Experience the power of teams in BunnyDoc to revolutionize your document collaboration and signing processes today.

        How to edit a team member?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the Team in the left sidebar
        3. Click Options
        4. Select Edit

        5. Update the information

        6. Click Save

        How to delete a team member?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the Team in the left sidebar
        3. Click Options
        4. Select Delete

        5. Click Delete to confirm

        How to copy/duplicate an existing envelope?

        1. Click on any option under Envelope from the left bar. 

        3: Click on options next to envelope 

        4: Click copy 

        5: Click continue

        Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated

        6: Modify the details if you want and click ‘Next’

        Graphical user interface, application, email

Description automatically generated

        7: Edit the fields if required

        8: Click Send 

        How to request signatures using a template?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
        3. Click Options
        4. Click Create Envelope
        1. Add the recipient’s detail
        2. Click Next
        3. Click Send


        Get All Team Members


        If the API key is correct and the request is successful, it will return a response containing an array with all team members’ information. Each element in the array will represent a team member and would include details such as their name, email, role, and any other relevant information associated with team members in the system.


        Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}

                 "email":"[email protected]",
                 "email":"[email protected]",

        Add Team Member


        If the API key is correct and the request is successful, it will return a response containing an array with all team members’ information. Each element in the array will represent a team member and would include details such as their name, email, role, and any other relevant information associated with team members in the system.


        Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}

        Body Parameters

        All params with * are required attributes

        firstName*Team member’s first name
        surnameTeam member’s surname
        email*Team member’s email
        role*Team member’s role
        (admin | team-member)
        statusTeam member’s status
        (active | pending)
        idTeam member’s Id

        Request Payload

            "firstName" : "Joe",
            "surname" : "Test",
            "email" : "[email protected]",
            "role"  : "team-member"


            "error": 0,
            "message": "We have sent an activation link to [email protected]. Please advise the team member to check the email for email verification. ",
            "firstName": "Joe",
            "surname": "Test",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "role": "team-member",
            "status": "pending",
            "id": "sfdgsuf837r5345"

        How to set up two-step verification?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
        3. Click Profile
        4. Scroll down to the Two-factor Authentication section
        5. Click Enable
        6. Open the Google Authenticator app on your mobile
        7. Scan the QR code
        8. Enter 6 digit Authentication code from the Google Authenticator app in the popup 
        9. Click Confirm

        How can I edit brand settings?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
        3. Update the information.
        4. Click Save.

        What is a team and how it works?

        In BunnyDoc, a team is a collaborative group working together towards a common goal. Teams in BunnyDoc enable seamless collaboration, document sharing, workflow management, enhanced communication, and streamlined administration.

        With teams, you can invite members, assign roles, and collaborate on documents in real time. You can easily share documents within the team, define workflows, communicate within the platform, and efficiently manage team activities.

        Experience the power of teams in BunnyDoc to revolutionize your document collaboration and signing processes today.

        How to Sign a Document?

        If you are the only signer, then follow the below steps. 

        Create an envelope.

        Upload the files.

        Mark the check box (I am the only signer)

        If you want to sign the document and send it to someone else too. Then please follow the below steps.

        Please make sure that ‘I am the only signer’ is unchecked. 

        Add the signers’ details but do not add yours. 


        How to update profile?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Select the Profile Icon
        3. Click Profile 

        4. Update the information

        5. Click Save

        How to update time zone?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Select the Profile Icon
        3. Click Profile 

        4. Update the information

        5. Click Save

        How do I manage my email notifications?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
        3. Click Profile 
        4. Scroll down to the Notifications section
        5. Check/uncheck the checkboxes
        6. Click Save

        How to set up two-step verification?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
        3. Click Profile
        4. Scroll down to the Two-factor Authentication section
        5. Click Enable
        6. Open the Google Authenticator app on your mobile
        7. Scan the QR code
        8. Enter 6 digit Authentication code from the Google Authenticator app in the popup 
        9. Click Confirm

        How to Change the Password?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Select the Profile Icon
        3. Click Profile 

        4. Enter your current password and new password

        5. Click Save

        How to Update Company Name and Username?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Select the Profile Icon
        3. Click Profile

        4. Update the information

        5. Click Save

        How Do I Change the Date and Time Format?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Select the Profile Icon
        3. Click Profile 

        4. Update the Date Format and Time Format settings

        5. Click Save

        What is a template?

        A template refers to a predefined document or form that is designed to be filled out and signed electronically. It serves as a framework or blueprint for creating consistent and standardized documents that require signatures. Templates are commonly used in various industries for documents such as contracts, agreements, and consent forms.

        By using templates, businesses can save time and effort by eliminating the need to recreate documents from scratch for each instance. Templates can be easily customized, updated, and reused for multiple transactions or agreements. This streamlined approach helps maintain consistency, improves efficiency, and ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

        How to edit a team member?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the Team in the left sidebar
        3. Click Options
        4. Select Edit

        5. Update the information

        6. Click Save

        How to Change the Password?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Select the Profile Icon
        3. Click Profile 

        4. Enter your current password and new password

        5. Click Save

        How can I Assign Signers to the Envelope?

        1. Click Create button.
        1. Upload files/documents
        2. Add signers.
        Graphical user interface, application, email

Description automatically generated

        How to Update Company Name and Username?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Select the Profile Icon
        3. Click Profile

        4. Update the information

        5. Click Save

        How do I download my completed document from my account?

        Click on any option under envelopes from leftbar.

        Click on Options next to the envelope.

        Click on Download

        Mark the checkbox and click on Download button.

        Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated


        How to create an API key

        Please follow the below steps to create an API Key

        1: Sign in to BunnyDoc as an admin or primary account holder

        2: Click on “Settings”

        3: Navigate to the “API” tab

        4: Click on button labeled “Create API Key”

        5: Enter name for API key whatever you prefer

        6: Copy and save the API Key in a safe place as it will not appear again

        How to delete an API key

        1: Click on the “Options” next to the API key.
        2: Select the “Delete” option.

        3: After selecting the “Delete” option, click on “Continue” to proceed with deleting the key.


        What is branding?

        Branding in BunnyDoc allows you to personalize the platform’s appearance with your company name, tagline, email signature, redirect link, and logo. This customization creates a professional and unique look for your e-signature processes, enhancing brand recognition, professionalism, and customer engagement.

        To utilize branding in BunnyDoc, simply access the platform’s settings and customize your company details and upload your logo. By doing so, you can create a seamless and branded e-signature experience for your clients and partners. Experience the power of branding with BunnyDoc and elevate your e-signature processes with your unique brand identity.

        How to setup branding?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
        3. Enter your brand details in the corresponding fields.
        4. Click Save.

        How branding works?

        Branding works by personalizing the appearance of BunnyDoc, our e-signature solution, with your company name, tagline, email signature, redirect link, and logo. This customization creates a distinct and professional look for your e-signature processes, reinforcing brand recognition, professionalism, and customer engagement.

        Simply access BunnyDoc’s settings to customize your company details and upload your logo. By doing so, you can seamlessly integrate your brand identity into the e-signature experience, ensuring a consistent and memorable impression on clients and partners.

        Discover the power of branding with BunnyDoc and elevate your e-signature processes with a personalized touch that sets your brand apart.

        How can I edit brand settings?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
        3. Update the information.
        4. Click Save.

        How to delete a team member?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the Team in the left sidebar
        3. Click Options
        4. Select Delete

        5. Click Delete to confirm

        How can I check envelope status?

        Click on any option under envelope.

         Status is given next to each envelope.

        Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated

        How to access all templates?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
        3. Access all your created templates here.

        How to share a template with team members?

        To share an envelope with team members:

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the ‘Templates’ from the left sidebar.
        3. Click on the ‘Create Folder’ button.

        4. Give a name to the folder and then click on the ‘Create’ button.

        5. Click on ‘Options’

        6. Select ‘Share with team’ from drop down menu.

        7. Select the team member(s).

        8. Click on ‘Update’

        9. Go to the Template and click ‘Options’

        10. Click on ‘Move to Folder’ from the drop down menu.

        11. Select the folder and click on ‘Move’.

        Note: The admin and the owner of this folder will always have access to this folder. Additionally, you can grant access to other team members for this folder.

        How Do I Change the Date and Time Format?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Select the Profile Icon
        3. Click Profile 

        4. Update the Date Format and Time Format settings

        5. Click Save

        How to check who has signed the envelope?

        Click on any option under envelopes from left bar.

        Click on Options next to the envelope.

        Click on Audit Trail

        Scroll down and see the status of each recipient under Recipient section

        How to check a document activity report?

        Click on any option under envelopes from leftbar.

        Click on Options next to the envelope.

        Click on Audit Trail

        Scroll down to Activities section

        Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

        How to resend a document to signers?

        Mark the checkbox and hit send 

        How to delete a template?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the All Envelopes link under Envelopes.
        3. Click Options
        4. Click Delete

        How to perform an In-person signing?

        1: Edit or create new envelope.

        2: Click on ‘Needs to sign’ button and select ‘in person signer’.

        3: add the signer and select signature mode 

        4: place fields for each signer

        5: continue to sign the document

        How to request signatures using a template?

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the Templates in the left sidebar.
        3. Click Options
        4. Click Create Envelope
        1. Add the recipient’s detail
        2. Click Next
        3. Click Send

        How to send "Bulk Send"?

        To bulk send:

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the Bulk Send Option under Signing from the leftbar
        1. Choose the link
        2. Upload a CSV file of the recipients (Note: Signer Names should be in the 1st Column and Signer Email should be in the 2nd Column)
        3. You can also view the recipients by clicking on ‘View Recipients’.
        4. Add title
        5. Add email message(optional)
        6. Click Send

        How to track Bulk Send progress?

        To track bulk send progress:

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the Bulk Send Option under the Envelopes from the leftbar
        1. Click on Options
        2. Click on ‘View Progress’

        How to download Bulk Send completed documents?

        To download Bulk Send completed documents:

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the Bulk Send Option under the Envelopes from the leftbar

        3. Click on Options next to the envelope

        4. Click on Download

        How to send reminders for Bulk Send?

        To send reminders for Bulk Send:

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click the Bulk Send Option under the Envelopes from the leftbar

        3. Click on Options next to the envelope

        4. Click on ‘View Progress’ from the drop-down menu

        5. Click on the ‘Send Reminder’ button

        How to share an Envelope with Team Members?

        To share an envelope with team members:

        1. Sign in to
        2. Click on ‘All Envelopes’ under the Envelope from the left sidebar.
        3. Click on the ‘Create Folder’ button from the drop down menu.

        4. Give a name to the folder and then click on the ‘Create’ button.

        5. Click on ‘Options’.

        6. Select ‘Share with team’ from the drop down menu.

        7. Select the team member(s).

        8. Click on ‘Update’ button.

        9. Go to the Envelope and click ‘Options’.

        10. Click on ‘Move to the Folder’ from the drop down menu.

        11. Select the folder and click on ‘Move’ button.

        How to Share a Completed Envelope with New Viewers?

        Go to the envelopes from the leftbar.

        Click on Options next to the completed envelope.

        Click on “Share Files”.

        Enter the recipient’s email and click the “Share Envelope Files” button.

        How to do an in person signing?

        1: Go to the envelopes from the left sidebar.

        2: Click on ‘Options’ next to the envelope, then select ‘Audit Trail’ from the drop-down menu.

        3: In the Audit Trail, navigate to the recipients section and click on the “Sign Now” button.

        4: Now the signer page will open.

        5: Continue to sign the document.

        How to make the Date Field Dynamic?

        1. Go to the templates and create or edit a template.
        2. In the editor page, drag and drop the Date field, then click on ‘Advanced Settings’ from the right sidebar.

        3. Now enable the “Update value upon envelope creation”.

        4. Click on “Save” button to save the changes.

        Note: If you have added a date for “Me(Now)” role, it will remain as it was; otherwise, it will be updated if you enable the 'Update Value Upon Envelope Creation' option. And if the date is for the signer, such as the signed date, it will be updated automatically when the signer signs the document.

        How to make Fields Required?

        1. In the editor, Drag and drop the required field.
        2. Click on the “Required” from the right sidebar.

        3. Now enable the Required Field.

        Note: Keep in mind that Signature fields are required by default, and fields such as Name, Signed Date, and Email will auto-populate. Therefore, there's no need to mark these fields as required.